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Interactive digital tools in the TEFL classroom - live online nascholing

Many students are (becoming) active language users. To improve their potential and the impact of your own lessons, you can benefit by implementing strategies and methods that are suitable for different levels, easily accessible and free of charge. Furthermore, these methods require little preparation and can easily be implemented in various situations and for a broad spectrum of lesson objectives.


During this course you will become acquainted with a wide variety of digital methods that make use of a digital tool that is free of charge and require no downloads. These methods and tools can be implemented in an engage-phase, the study section or the essential activation of the student during tasks.

Because this course is online, you yourself can participate in and explore the possibilities of various digital tools. At the same time, screens will be shared with all participants, who will pose as students and experience the teacher side as well.

You will see various concrete applications in foreign language lessons at various levels and you will immediately see the possibilities of different applications.


You are able to

  • increase participation and productivity of all students by making use of interactive digital methods and tools;
  • implement interactive digital methods and tools in the three stadia of a TEFL lesson (engage/study/activate);
  • add interactive digital methods and tools to existing lessons (or lessons from the coursebook) without having to adapt your entire teaching style.


This course is designed for foreign language teachers. The examples are taken from TEFL didactics, but teachers of French, German, Spanish, … as a second or foreign language will also benefit from this course. The materials from this course can be easily implemented by teachers who teach with an interactive whiteboard or in an environment where tablets and/or smartphones are/can be used.This is a beginner-intermediate course. A certain acquaintance with and comfort in using digital tools will come in handy, but is not a requirement. Teachers that are already proficient in using interactive digital tools should not participate.


Tim Berghmans is Master taal- en letterkunde, Nederlands en Engels. Sinds 2006 is hij leraar Engels in alle finaliteiten. Hij werkte als praktijkassistent vakdidactiek Engels en stagebegeleider bij de Antwerp School of Education, was enkele jaren adjunct-directeur en werkte ook voor de Examencommissie in Brussel als toetsontwikkelaar en vakverantwoordelijke Engels.


Cursuscode: 24/ENG/018A

Cursusmateriaal inbegrepen

Jouw bijdrage: 66 EUR.
Inlichtingen bij: Carolyn Smout, 03 265 29 73, carolyn.smout@uantwerpen.be

Datum Beginuur Einduur Locatie
woensdag 20 november 2024 09:00u 12:00u via afstandsonderwijs (Microsoft Teams)

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Campus Drie Eiken

Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Wilrijk

Stadscampus - De Boogkeers

Boogkeers 5
2000 Antwerpen


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