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What’s it mean, it’s different, spoken grammar?

Spoken grammar can be defined as elements of natural spoken communication, but which have not yet become part of our everyday teaching syllabuses. Through analysis of examples of authentic spoken language, this practical session first looks at some key features of spoken grammar and then explores how we can introduce aspects of this into our teaching to help our learners better understand and use it.


Spoken English is in a number of ways different from the language that we generally teach, which in terms of grammar, tends to be a tidy version of a range of classic grammar areas. Firstly, we will take a theoretical look at the key features of the spoken language and shall then look at some of these features, or grammar points, in more detail and look at ideas for exercises and activities for teaching them. The session will be illustrated throughout with authentic examples of spoken grammar, including those from spoken-like social media.


The aim of this session is to:

  • increase your understanding of the key features of spoken grammar;
  • explore how you can introduce this into your teaching.


Teachers of English language in secondary schools and adult education


Jon Hird is a teacher, trainer and materials writer based in Oxford, UK. He teaches grammar, professional English and EAP at the University of Oxford and has written or contributed to a number of course books, grammar and other ELT resource material for a range of publishers. Recent publications include being one of the authors of the Language Hub course book series by Macmillan Education, Oxford Learner's Pocket Verbs and Tenses by OUP, and Spoken Grammar by Pavilion ELT.


Cursuscode: 24/ENG/046A

Gratis deelname, aantal plaatsen beperkt. Cursusmateriaal inbegrepen.

Jouw bijdrage: 0 EUR.
Inlichtingen bij: Carolyn Smout, 03 265 29 73, carolyn.smout@uantwerpen.be

Datum Beginuur Einduur Locatie
dinsdag 11 februari 2025 13:00u 16:00u Universiteit Antwerpen, Boogkeers 5 (aan het Mechelseplein), 2000 Antwerpen, lokaal 102 (eerste verdieping)

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